Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Management Information System Essay

ABSTRACT Management Information System (MIS) provides information for the managerial activities in an Organization. The main purpose of this research is, MIS provides accurate and timely information necessary to facilitate the decision-making process and enable the organizations planning, control, and operational Functions to be carried out effectively. Management Information System (MIS) is basically concerned with processing data into information and is then communicated to the various Departments in an organization for appropriate decision-making. MIS is a subset of the overall planning and control activities covering the application of humans, technologies, and procedures of the organization. . The information system is the mechanism to ensure that information is available to the managers in the form they want it and when they need it. INTRODUCTION: MIS provides several benefits to the business organization: the means of effective and efficient coordination between Departments; quick and reliable referencing; access to relevant data and documents; use of less labor; improvement in organizational and departmental techniques; management of day-to-day activities (as accounts, stock control, payroll, etc.); day-to-day assistance in a Department and closer contact with the rest of the world.MIS provides a valuable time-saving benefit to the workforce. Employees do not have to collect data manually for filing and analysis. Instead, that information can be entered quickly and easily into a computer program. As the amount of raw data grows too large for employees’ to analyze, business analysts can build programs to access the data and information in response to queries by management. With faster access to needed information, managers can make better decisions about procedures, future directions, and developments by competitors, and make them more quickly we are living in a time of great change and working in an Information Age. Manager’s have to assimilate masses of data, convert that data into information, form conclusions about that information and make decisions leading to the achievement of business objectives. For an organization, information is as important resource as money, machinery and manpower. It is essential for the survival of the enterprise. METHODOLOGY: RESEARCH DESIGN Research design was adopted for the â€Å"Descriptive Research Study†. OBJECTIVES 1. To study pros and cons of outsourcing corporate IT security 2. To give suitable recommendations for increasing it security. DATA COLLECTION METHODS In the research two types of data were collected-: SECONDARY DATA Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and hence collected large no. of relavant information in order to come on a conclusion and recommendations for solving the problems.

Joseph Andrews as a Picaresque Novel Essay

Joseph Andrews, or The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his Friend Mr. Abraham Adams, was the first published full-length novel of the English author and magistrate Henry Fielding and among the first novels in the English language. Henry Fielding along with Samuel Johnson is considered to be the founder of English novel. Henry Fielding was in fact a satirist and initially he was known for his satirical works on the political corruption of his times. His work shows the realistic approach towards portraying the picture of the contemporary society. Fielding’s first venture into prose fiction was the effect of Samuel Richardson’s† Pamela† and Fielding himself defined his novel Joseph Andrews as comic epic poem in prose. Published in 1742, Joseph Andrews is the story of the adventures of a very chaste, good natured footman Joseph and his dear friend and mentor the idealist Parson Adams who is not only an honest man but a man of character upright . Joseph Andrews was initially written as a parody of Samuel Richardson’s â€Å"Pamela† but as the story develops and grows we realize that the story is entering into another genre and is naturally following a different pattern. As the events unfold and the ripple effect of the occurrences spans through we feel that the genre the novel is entering into is somewhat picaresque. The picaresque tradition belongs to Spain and is derived from the word â€Å"Picaro† meaning rouge or a villain or a rascal. The word picaro started to first appear in Spain with the current meaning in 1545. In 1554 the novella â€Å"Lazarillo de Tormes† is credited with founding the genre and the expression Picaresque novel was coined in 1810. Before giving arguments to support whether or not Joseph Andrews is a picaresque novel, it becomes necessary here to first get a clear idea as to what a picaresque novel is and what are the paradigms and parameters that define a particular style of writing as picaresque. There are some qualities that distinguish the picaresque novel or narrative form, all or some of which may be employed for effect by the author. These are; A picaresque narrative is usually written in first person as an  autobiographical account. The main character is often of low character or social class. He or she gets by with wit. There is almost no plot. The story is told in a series of loosely connected adventures or episodes. (4)There is little if any character development in the main character. Once a picaro, always a picaro. His or her circumstances may change but rarely result in a change of heart. The picaro’s story is told with a plainness of language or realism. Satire might sometimes be a prominent element. The behavior of a picaresque hero or heroine stops just short of criminality. Carefree or immoral rascality positions the picaresque hero as a sympathetic outsider, untouched by the false rules of society. The characters are numerous in number and so are the events of the novel. Taking these salient features of a picaresque novel into consideration I will build and finally establish the argument whether Joseph Andrews is a picaresque or not. In the very introduction of novel, Henry Fielding acknowledged his debt to Miguel de Cervantes, a Spanish novelist, poet and playwright whose â€Å"Don Quixote† is the best known example of a picaresque novel. As we read the novel we realize as if the author is directly addressing his reader and he is relating the events to us in first person narration. This style of autobiographical writing is maintained throughout the book. Fielding also presents a different case to his readers at the start of the each part of the book. For example in book I chapter I he defends the practice of writing a biography. He also highlights the discrepancy between appearance and reality by mocking Colley Cibber who in his autobiography called Fielding a â€Å"broken wit†. Then in Book II chapter I he tells his readers the purpose of dividing his novel into books and chapters. Likewise in Book III chapter I he reminds his readers of the purpose of his novel and dismisses historians. The realism is quite obvious here which satisfies and fulfills the purpose of the very first property of a picaresque novel. Then comes the second paradigm of a picaresque according to which the main character is usually of low character or low social class and very witty. Mr. Andrews though being a very moral and chaste person is of course not of low character but definitely belongs to a lower class being the son of poor parents and brother of Pamela the chaste maid servant of Booby family. And  Joseph is not without wits at all. He is a simple honest person who after understanding the malice of intentions in Mrs. Slipslop’s and Lady Booby’s minds, immediately decides to quit the job and return to Fanny. In the events that follow we also see that he has got more brains than Mr. Adams who is a dreamy idealist whose doctrine is† good begets good† and â€Å"evil begets evil†. But Joseph, in spite of being very respectful and submissive towards Parson Adams, never fully believes in his doctrine and is very much able to see through things clearly and judge people in a better way. For example Joseph is able to gauge the character of the squire who makes generous but false promises to people but Parson Adams does not and also Joseph contradicts parson’s idea of private education being better than the public. This shows that though Joseph considers Parson Adams his mentor and values his advice yet he has his own understanding and is not following blindly whatever is coming his way. Another property of a picaresque hero that Joseph is utterly not having is the rascality. He is facing adventures, he is meeting wicked people, he is also in love with a girl but he never indulges in any ill means or shows any sort of wickedness or rascality in the face of all the hardships that are befalling him. Thus he is untouched by the false rules of the society. A prominent picaresque element of this genre is the looseness of the plot which is very much obvious in the case of â€Å"Joseph Andrews† plot construction. Looseness of the plot is so dominant that it see ms as if the whole plot is going haywire and is following a haphazard path as if one is on a roller coaster ride not in terms of speed but in terms of abruptness. The writer starts with one thing and before concluding it he takes up an entirely new dimension and starts talking about something entirely different and irrelevant. He takes it to an extent that reader loses the account of the events and is left confused. Sometimes Fielding introduces a character without a rational explanation of its sudden arrival at a particular place. For example the arrival of Mrs. Slipslop at the Dragon’s inn all of a sudden is quite out of the blue. And sometimes there are certain things which the reader is compelled to assume without any rational reasoning. Meeting of Fanny and Joseph is also quite odd and abrupt. Likewise the story of Leonora and Horatio is again something which is utterly irrelevant to the plot and adds to its looseness. Arrival of Mr. Peter Pounce to Booby Hall without her mistress Lady Booby and his appearing  at the scene of Fanny’s abduction is also unjustified. The overflowing list of adventures, brawls, quarrels, irrelevant and unnecessary events, unexplainable occurrences signify the looseness of the plot and its insignificance in connection to the actual story but at the same time they are fulfilling the requirement of the picaresque narrative style. The character development of the protagonist Joseph Andrews is somewhat flat. Actually he is shown as a chaste and honest person till the very end of the novel. There are no sharp turnings and giving ins to the circumstances at any point in the story for Joseph Andrews and this makes his character a stereotyped one. He could have made at least one mistake and that would have given a real twist to his character as well as to the story. The mistake could have been giving in to the chambermaid Betty at Tow Wouse’s or may be once to Lady Booby but he is shown to be a chaste one at all times. Thus there is almost no character development in Joseph’s case and his every next action is quite easily calculated and predicted by the reader. The only thing that changes about him is his being the son of Harriet Hearty and Mr. Wilson and not of Mr. and Mrs. Gaffer which also relieves him of the tag of being Pamela’s brother. His chastity and his immoveable love for Fanny are the two strongest sides of his character that are being talked about throughout the novel. In the book I, after giving an account of who Joseph Andrews is and how he became friends with Parson Adams, Joseph Andrews is taken to London with Lady Booby. Here we get a glimpse of society’s ways and the element of satire and realism sets off. Fielding’s plainness of language that is his realism as well as his satirical vein shows its reflection throughout the span of the novel. Fielding’s satire is pungent. Malice, selfishness, vanities, hypocrisies, lack of charity, all is ridiculed as human follies. Different strata of the society are shown through the picaresque mode. The travelers meet hunting squires, mean innkeepers, corrupt landladies, drinking parson, philosophers, lawyers and surgeons, beggars, peddlers and robbers and rogues. Particular social evils prevalent in the day, and follies and foibles of human nature in general are effectively exposed. In case of women, Lady Booby, Mrs. Slipslop, Betty, all these women are shown to have the unbridled lust for the opposite sex. Lady Booby is mourning her dead husband while playing cards and is rather happy for having another opportunity to have a new lover. The clergymen are shown  to have no moral values rather they are indulged in the worldly affairs and are crafty and callous. There are vicious and inhuman squires. There is no concept of charity among the higher or so called privileged class. They cannot help a poor fellow who is robbed and stripped by the ruffians. A parson cannot help a man of his own fraternity with some shillings. A surgeon shows no sympathy for the poor footman. The in keeper on finding out that Adam is not the real kin of well to do Mr. Tulliber, refuses to give any charity which she was ready to part with earlier when she mistook Adams for being the rich man’s real brother. A very cruel realism and satire is shown when Pamela also becomes an accomplice of Mr. B in persuading Joseph to do away with the idea of marrying poor Fanny which is so ironic since Pamela herself belonged to that class to which Fanny belonged and had herself succeeded in marrying a person of a higher prospect. A blurry kind of humor also arises when Fielding tells us of the man talking of courage and bravery but he runs away at the mere mention of the danger, and of the catholic priest who after giving a wholesome lecture on the evils of money ends up in asking for some money from Parson Adams. Poor Adam’s forgetfulness is both humorous and serves as a reason for new adventures and encounters with new characters. Sometimes this humor is also shown in a slapstick style for example in the head over heels tumbling down of Adams and in the ridiculous fight at the Tow Wouse inn where Mrs. Slipslops also joins in and pulls the hair of the inn keeper’s wife. Also the mention of Mrs. Slipslop’s hairy chin and in the midst of the night Adams being half naked and falling on her in a mere confusion and of the new suitor of Fanny, â€Å"Beau Didapper† when he crawls into Mrs. Slipslop’s bed mistaking her for Fanny is very much humorous. Here, again Mrs. Slipslop takes advantage of this opportunity to satisfy her ego and yells at the top of her voice as if she is being raped by Didapper is quite hilarious. Thus pungent satire and to an extent sufficient amount of humor is there to categorize this novel as fulfilling this characteristic feature of a picaresque. This novel is a gallery of characters, another very important feature of a picaresque mode. The travelers meet squires, in keepers and their wives ,landlords and land ladies, gentlemen and gentlewomen, parsons and their wives, ruffians, postillion, horsemen, coachmen, people in the  neighborhood, priest, chambermaids, accountant, gamester, player, poet, philosophers, lawyers, justice, surgeon, beggars, peddlers. And to one’s surprise, this steady train of characters contributes in these adventures very actively and each one has a part to play which also justifies the looseness of the plot. The hero travels from place to place encountering thieves an ruffians, rescuing damsels in distress, fighting duels, falling in love, being thrown in prison, and meeting a vast section of society. The opportunity of representing a large section of society gave the author the power of exploring the follies of the widest possible range of humanity. By introducing this gamut of good and bad, virtuous and vicious characters Fielding explores and satirizes the discrepancies in the human affectation and pretences. The central journey in the Joseph Andrews is not just for the purpose of wandering as it is in a picaresque. Joseph is not a wanderer. He is on a noble journey homewards and there is a cause and an objective behind this journey that Joseph has taken up. It is the need that has made him set out even in the darkening hours. He is rather compelled to leave England and go to his beloved due to the circumstances that arose. Yet the whole journey is fabricated in the utter manner of a picaresque narration. It is in the chapter ten of the book one that picaresque element enters the novel when Joseph is shown to set out on his journey in the borrowed coat. From here begin his misadventures and finally he is shown to meet and marry his beloved. This picaresque element is maintained till the end of the book III in terms of being adventurous. From book IV onwards satire and realism is more prevalent than the adventure. There is a tug of war going on in terms of emotions between Lady Booby and Joseph who does not want to leave Fanny come what may and lady Booby does not to leave alone Joseph come what may. In this quest, most surprisingly and coincidently, he comes to discover his true identity in terms of his real parentage. Interpolated stories and Coincidences are there which make up the fine ingredients of a picaresque novel. In this concluding paragraph, on the basis of above mentioned arguments and textual evidences, I would establish this statement that Joseph Andrews is a Picaresque Novel. There are certain sections where picaresque tradition is not strictly being followed and it seems as if the  author is subtly preaching moral values and is hence being didactic. Also, Henry Fielding might himself call it a comic epic poem in prose and whatever the motive behind writing it he may describe, be it anti-Pamelism or whatever, but when we look at it in a broader perspective we can clearly make out that it has the rambling and discursive narrative which enable to it to have all the elements of a picaresque in it and therefore making it a Picaresque Novel.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Corporal Punishment: an Effective Tool in Child Discipline Essay

â€Å"For every action, there’s a reaction†, states Newton’s law of motion. This obvious truth doesn’t apply to just physics alone. It can also be applied to the human personality. When applying it to a child’s behavior, especially from a very early age, children need to be taught that their actions will have consequences. Being the sponges that they are, sometimes they absorb bad behaviors. Since they are inexperienced and need guidance throughout their life, there are different methods of discipline that can help correct their bad behaviors and actions. One way that is often effective is by explaining to the child why certain behaviors are not acceptable. But when a simple explanation isn’t enough, or when the child refuses to apply counsel, parents do have one last resort: corporal punishment. When parents do in fact use corporal punishment on their children, it normally is done after other forms of discipline have lacked effectiveness. For example, what if little Johnny has started hitting his young sister when she plays with his toys because he is not fond of sharing? We all know that sharing is one of the first principles that should be taught to children since it teaches them not to be selfish human beings. The first form of discipline that a parent might try is sitting down with little Johnny to explain to him that he needs to learn how to share and that hitting his sister is not appropriate. However, on a second occasion, Johnny hits his younger sister again for the same reason of not wanting to share. This time, the parent gives him a warning which results in Johnny remembering what was explained to him and stopping the wrong behavior, but with a pout. Once again, Johnny hits his sister for taking his toys, but instead of explaining or giving warnings, the parent now takes matters to the next level and decides to spank Johnny on his bottom. This third act of discipline, although still legal in all 50 of the United States, has been under much debate. The main argument that experts have as to why spanking should not be used is that it has negative psychological effects on children which can result in depression or even suicide. (Gershoff). Dr. Elizabeth Thompson Gershoff, PhD, of the National Center for Children in Poverty at Columbia University analyzed 62 years worth of data that looked into the â€Å"positive and negative behaviors in children that were associated with corporal punishment†. She defined corporal punishment as ‘physical force used with the intention to cause pain, but not injury, in order to correct or control a child’s behavior’, but this action turns into abuse when it is taken to the extent of â€Å"punching, beating, kicking, biting, burning, shaking, yanking hair, twisting ears, and making a child stand in the same place for a long time, even if no injury results† (The Spanking Debate). In her study she found that the use of corporal punishment â€Å"increased child aggression and antisocial behavior†. But one main thing she pointed out about her findings is that the negative effects on the child were seen in association with the use of corporal punishment to the extent of physical abuse to the child (Gershoff). Dr. Gershoff herself admits that the results of her findings are not concrete evidence as to why corporal punishment should not be used because â€Å"they almost never record whether the punishment was deliberate or impulsive, or if it was a first resort or a last resort† (The Spanking Debate). This last admission about her own results shows how different discipline techniques gives different results. Corporal punishment that is administered lovingly should not be expected to provide the same results that abusive corporal punishment will obviously show. Most of the results taken from Dr. Gershoff’s study, although said to support the argument of how corporal punishment should not be used, lacks to explain the different results obtained if corporal punishment where administered in a loving way with the intent to guide children in the right direction and to help them develop the correct principles in order to become good citizens in today’s society. The fact that different parents administer corporal discipline at two completely different extremes is a major factor that needs to be more profoundly investigated. Although Dr. Gershoff’s analysis did contain both of those extremes, the results from the type of discipline used also gave different results. With these two variables being a part of Dr. Gershoff’s equation, it is argued that although severe forms of corporal unishment do exist, the positive effects of when it is correctly applied by means of a moderate and occasional spanking by parents who continuously convey their love for their child and explain the reasons for their actions, result in huge benefits for the child that overshadow the temporary pain that they may encounter because of the appropriately administered corporal punishment (The Spanking Debate). Robert Larzelere, a psychologist at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, reviewed 38 studies in relation to corporal punishment and came to the conclusion that when moderate and un-abusive spanking was administered, it reduced misbehavior in children without having the negative psychological effects that some psychologist claim that corporal punishment has. According to Larzelere, not only did that type of discipline work, â€Å"but it also reinforced milder forms of discipline, so that children are more apt to respond without spanking the next time† (Time). Edward Ledezma, who had been a single parent for about 7 to 8 years, recalls having to spank his daughter on two different occasions because his five year old daughter, Lilly, was continuously not listening to his instructions. That was the first and only time he had to use that type of discipline, and it was only after trying to explain to her first why she needed to listen to him. Now that she’s nine, there’s is no indication that she has psychological problems. On the contrary, she’s at the top of her forth grade class, is a well behaved girl, has he utmost respect for her dad, and loves him unconditionally. The loving corporal punishment that Edward had administered four years ago had served its purpose and he did not need to use it again. It shouldn’t be a surprise that such a debate on corporal punishment continues. On one side there are experts that say that abusive corporal punishment is wrong because of the negative psychological effects and who would doubt that it would. On the other hand, parents can reap the benefits with administering corporal discipline in a loving way. The argument should not be whether to administer corporal punishment but rather parents need to be taught that although it works, the only way they can sow the benefits from it is if they administer it within limits and only as a last resort.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Internatinal business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Internatinal business - Essay Example Entering into China will not only open the gates of opportunity in China but in other Asian countries also. Star Traders aims to procure low cost products and sell them at the relatively reasonable margins in the international markets. This strategy will be leveraged through extensive marketing to the existing client base in the developed countries of the world. It is however, important to note that China has the risk of political instability as country is predominately a Communist society with government controlling most of the assets in the country. International firms are not allowed to operate on their own and need to develop working partnerships with the local players to enter into the market. To successfully enter into the market, a financing of approximately $10 million will be required. Research The name of the business is Star Traders and it is going to operate in China in partnership with the local players already working in the chosen field of business of the firm. China h as a population of over 1.3 Billion with Han Chinese forming the 92% of the overall population of the country. The overall population growth rate is around 0.48% which China has been able to control over the period of time (â€Å"CIA World Fact Book. China†). China has the highest population in the world therefore in order to control the population, China has implemented one child policy (â€Å"CIA World Fact Book. China†). As mentioned above, the major ethnic groups in the country include Han Chinese which form over 90% of the population of the country. Apart from Han Chinese, Zuhang, Manchu, Hui and other smaller ethnic groups exist too. However, the overall concentration of these smaller groups is relatively low and Han is the major ethnic group in the country. Mandarin is the major language being spoken in the country. Apart from this, Cantonese, Wu and other languages are also been spoken in various parts of the country. Mandarin however, is the major language spo ken by most of the ethnic groups in the country. It is also critical to note that the there are various dialects of the Mandarin also. Over 30% of the population of the country lives under the age of 30 years indicating that the country has ample supply of young labors to continue to supports its economic progress achieved and sustained over the period of more than 10 years. China is the fastest growing economy in the world and has recently overtaken Japan as the second largest economy in the world. With over $12 trillion GDP with a real growth rate of over 7.8% indicate that the Chinese economy has the potential to offer one of the most lucrative business investment to be made. It is also important to note that the China is a predominately manufacturing oriented economy with manufacturing taking more than 46% of the overall GDP of the country. Services sector has a share of 43% whereas rest of the share is taken over by the agriculture sector of the economy. Major export items incl ude electrical and mechanical equipment. Iron, textile and data processing equipment. The major trading partners of the country are US, Japan, Hong Kong as well as Germany and South Korea. As compared to exports, Imports are relatively low and are only over $1.7 trillion with electric and other

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Building Stakeholder Management and Culture Essay

Building Stakeholder Management and Culture - Essay Example The paper tells that the value of building a sustainable, goal-oriented corporate culture has been identified as a path towards a thriving venture. Corporate culture talks about practical guiding principle, commonplace values, practices, interests, and beliefs integral to managers. Building a stable stakeholder culture is a key force reinforcing firm stakeholder management. One of the prevalent descriptions of stakeholder culture is that it holds the traditions, beliefs, ideals, and objectives that organisations have built for dealing with stakeholder relationships and concerns. Successful stakeholder management involves the formation of a corporate culture that most largely envisions and considers responsibilities to stakeholders (e.g. individuals, employees, communities, etc). Corporate stakeholders nowadays are confronted with policy and public demands, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and business ethics. Many of such issues are alongside a boost in government ruling and th e enlarged position of subordinate stakeholders in reaction to the economic disorders. Organisations are looking for new code of ethics that will originate from traditional norms as well as from moral codes. Policymakers and government stakeholders have recently acted to implement more accountability and transparency from CEOs to guarantee ethical business conducts and the rights of shareholders. Organisations will discover means to financially support CSR programmes with the assistance of the government, community advocates, and humanitarians. (Polonsky 2005). Ultimately, according to Lamb and Mckee (2005), for the demands of public policy, it is important for numerous stakeholders, especially employees, employers, labour unions, and the government to work in partnership to promote ethical corporate conduct and stakeholder management. Current studies have emphasised the notion of ‘stakeholder culture’ as an influential force when organisations are attempting to evaluat e the value of different stakeholder demands. Although some businesses manage to survive an economic setback, they would be in a better position if they will evaluate their stakeholder culture, rooted in ethical conduct, and characterised as the â€Å"shared beliefs, values, and evolved practices regarding the solution of recurring stakeholder-related problems† (Global Economics Crisis Resource Centre 2009, 34). Recognition of an organisation’s stakeholder culture can contribute to the growth of cooperation among stakeholders. The Stakeholder Theory In the 1970s, extraordinary intensities of environmental crisis and development, such as oil crisis, occurred. Because of this predicament the ‘stakeholder theory’ emerged as an ingenious global perspective of the corporate world (Lorca & Garcia-Diez 2004). Nevertheless, the concept upon which it was grounded was an already widely known field, because the concept ‘stakeholder’ had been applied in t he 1960s. However, some scholars trace back the origin of ‘stakeholder’ way earlier than the 1960s; Preston (1990 as cited in Lorca & Garcia-Diez 2004) claims that the concept surfaced when the General Electric Company classified primary stakeholders during the Great Depression, namely, the general public, customers, employees, and owners. But it was Freeman (1984) who formally established the stakeholder theory. Today, according to Carroll and Buchholtz (2011), the stakeholder theory is recognised far and wide and has gained the official approval of numerous academic disciplines, and professional groups. Nowadays, success no longer relies simply on the customer, but also on the attainment of a stable equilibrium that pleases a company’s stakeholders: employees, owners, customers, suppliers, and

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Shipping Law , contact and disputed Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Shipping Law , contact and disputed - Assignment Example It is inchoate from the moment the claim or privileges attaches, and when carried into effect by legal process by a proceeding in rem, relates back to a period when it attaches† (cited Mandaraka-Sheppard 22). On the other hand, an in rem action, as opposed to an action in personam, is one that attaches on property rather than on a person. In the maritime context, it attaches on the ship or on the cargo rather than on the ship-owner or the cargo owner. Thus, once a writ is issued by the court in an action in rem, a warrant for the arrest of the ship or cargo, rather than on the ship-owner or the cargo owner, can be applied next to secure the claim even before judgment. Lord Justice Moulton said in The Burns [1907] P137, â€Å"the action in rem is an action against the ship itself. It is an action in which the shipowners may take part, if they think proper, in defence of their property, but whether or not they will do so is a matter for them to decide, and if they do not decide to make themselves party to the suit in order to defend their property, no personal liability can be established against them in that action. It is perfectly true that the action indirectly affects them† (Chan et al 21). Maritime liens, however, are complicated issues because of the usual conflicts of laws involved. For one, there is no single rule on what constitutes maritime liens although there are the so-called traditional maritime liens and statutory maritime liens. The former refers to liens that have become so by practice in the admiralty world whilst the latter are those which are prescribed in statutes of statutes. Under English law, for example, the traditional liens, as enumerated in the case The Ripon City [1897] P 266 (242) (Adm) are â€Å"bottomry, salvage, wages, disbursements, liabilities, and damage† and arise automatically, ipso facto, upon the occurrence of the fact without notice or formality, remaining in and following the ship or cargo from owner to owner, including

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Importance of Culture for Managing and Controlling the workforce Literature review

The Importance of Culture for Managing and Controlling the workforce - Literature review Example Undeniable changes are taking place in the workforce mainly due to globalisation and changing composition of national populations of individual countries. National population composition is changing as a result of increased immigration and cumulative effects of high birth rates among minority groups. Apparently, this is reflected in the workforce (Inceoglu, 2002, p. 37). Globalisation has made both small and large companies face competition resulting from overseas companies at home while at the same time confronting the need to be competitive in the foreign markets. In order to prevail from the competition, organisations require adopting new ways of carrying out business, with sensitivity towards the needs of diverse cultural practices. Businesses have to struggle for the best gifts they can find, as well as look for ways to obtain the best from workers they currently have. Most of these employees will be situated at different nations as many firms move to a worldwide way of conducti ng business. As a result, culture becomes important in managing and controlling the workforce. People from different cultures bring forth diversity, which refers to the ways in which people differ, not just the more common aspects like ethnicity and gender (Idea group publishing, 2005, p 580). Literature review Organisations exist on the productivity and output of employee interaction with clients and customers. A company with productive workers is able to offer better customer service that result in more income. Employees’ productivity and customer relations and interactions are influenced by how workers feel about their work. Such emotions are heavily dependent on the culture in the workplace. Sandra Collins (2009, p 30) defines culture as the system of shared values, beliefs, norms, language and social institutions, which steer the daily lives of a group of people. Culture may be collectivist or individualist, reflecting on the extent to which people value their associatio n with the group against their independence as individual. Collectivist cultures value the group above an individual whilst an individualist culture places personal independence above the group. Western Europe, United States and Canada countries have an individualist culture while South American and Asian countries embrace a collectivist culture. Both collectivist and individualist have different approaches towards conflict. Collectivists tend to avoid conflict and prefer harmony, whilst individualists do not enjoy conflict, though they are less likely to stay away from it. Culture builds an atmosphere in which human resources work and establish their value and worth in the company, their opportunities within the organisation as well as their opinion of their management team. The culture could also be measured in terms of conflict resolution policies, language, dress code and industry. Communications also varies with culture, with some opting for direct communication while others em brace indirect style. Cultures that adopt indirect communication usually have relational exchanges before involvement into the business. Such cultures tend to be context-dependent since an immense deal of the message’s meaning lie in the context of the communication. Cultures also differ in terms of time interpretation, with some placing value on multitasking, and others opting for doing one thing at a time. The management is able to build models

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Obesity Prevention in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Obesity Prevention in America - Essay Example Realizing the serious public health threat of obesity epidemic prevention focused action plan aimed at decreasing the number of obese children and youth in the United States has been developed by The Institute of Medicine (IOM), which gives explicit goals and recommendations of action plan for preventing obesity and promoting a healthy weight in children and youth in different segments of society based on the best available evidence. As community participation plays a crucial role in promoting health, a collaborative interdisciplinary partnership with community members is expected to further the U.S health initiatives by helping to identify effective strategies that support behavioral change among susceptile groups and implement sustainable program outcomes. Concerted effort by state and federal government, healthcare providers, community participants, as well as individual commitment to make lifestyle modifications will prevent the scourge of obesity and co-morbidities associated wi th it. Obesity is generally associated with consuming more calories than the body needs and imbalance between calories consumed and calories burned, which may be due to genetic, hormonal, behavioral, environmental, or even cultural factors. Overweight and obese people are at increased risk for developing many health risks, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, dyslipidemia, Type-II diabetes, insulin resistance and glucose intolerance, congestive health failure, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea and other respiratory problems, polycystic ovary syndrome, psychological disorders, stress urinary incontinence and kidney stones, cancer of the kidney, endometrium, breast, colon and rectum, etc. (The endocrine society weighs in, 2004, p.6-7). Because of many causes like frequent illness, constant tiredness, and inability to be active due to back pain, joint pain and shortness of breathe the quality and productivity of an obese person is adversely affected, leading to low personal esteem and severe financial crisis. As it is difficult to identify whether a person is obese or not, based on his or her physical appearance, it is essential to differentiate obesity from overweight. An individual with increased body mass index (BMI), a common measure calculation that assesses weight relative to height, which is at least 10 percent over a recommended weight or BMI > 25, is referred to as overweight. Because a patient's abdominal fat is a predictor of risk factors for obesity related medical conditions, physicians consider men and women who have waist measurement greater than 40 inches and 35 inches respectively as overweight. Obesity refers to a body weight that is at least 30 percent over the ideal weight for a specified height, or an individual with a BMI > 30. (The endocrine society weighs in, 2004, p.2). For getting precise information on obesity, in the research setting, physicians use computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, or electrical impedance for measuring body fat distribution. Because of the high cost and difficulty in practicing outside laboratory settings these investigations are not adaptable in daily clinical use among healthcare provide rs. However, considering the

Description Of The UK Grocery Retailers Structure Essay

Description Of The UK Grocery Retailers Structure - Essay Example The essay "Description Of The UK Grocery Retailers Structure" talks about the structure of the UK grocery retailers - Tesco Plc. Type of bureaucratic and strict business structure or features is viewed within the organization of Tesco Plc. It is mainly due to its strict organizational features implemented by the dominant leader or manager, Mr. Philip Clarke. The leadership style of him not only enhanced the activities of the human resources but also amplified their coordination that helped the organization of Tesco Plc to attain optimum results in the future age. Hence, it might be stated that bureaucratic and post-bureaucratic features or traditions helped the organization of Tesco Plc to improve its market share in the entire globe. According to classical organizational theory, an organization is described as a social system or an association of employees or individual. It develops and expands, only if the workers or labors of the organization perform their duties in an appropriate way. This might facilitate the organization to improve its productivity in current and future days. However, growth and development of the organization offer a significant impact on the progress of the employees as well. This means that, if the employees get motivated towards their assigned duties then their level of performance and rankings might get enhanced. Similarly, due to increased efforts, the image of the organization might also get amplified. Thus, it might be stated that organizational development is a two-way process.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Suppose you were selected for special position Essay

Suppose you were selected for special position - Essay Example This take however may be challenged, especially when a not sought for assignment is offered, and there are no chances of refusal. If I get myself in such a fix, then it would be required that I apply my course and every single thing I have learnt in the process in dealing with the issue at hand. For me, my course and especially physics would play a central role. Ethics Moral responsibility plays a central role in any given assignment. Regardless of the specific field of training, this is a fundamental component of one self, not only in the field of employment, but also in any given context of human interactions. The various education fields have different ethics applicable to them (Perl 213). This encompasses physics among all other identifiable fields of study. In this regard, taking into account the codes of ethics applicable to me, given the course I have taken, I am morally responsible to take on assignments offered to me. This does not only imply personal benefit, but also the w elfare of the entire society; the entire company included. Training The education system in place takes care of individual interests, not only in academic terms, but also in every identifiable aspect of life. Training that makes me handle not sought for assignments encompass class work, related practical work as well as outside-class exposure. This is an input factor that has been realized along the line of study, such that it becomes integral to whatever goals and objectives pursued during and after successful completion of studies. Personal diversity and dynamism Personal growth and development is neither rigid nor fixed to specific grounds of capability. Physics is a unique subject that captures changes in a very specific way (Perl 288). Most of the worldwide development, innovativeness and inventions borrow heavily from physics and related subjects. The diversity and dynamism characteristic of this subject and the course in general should be manifested through the learners. Succ essful completion of this course implied that all requirements prior to this course have been met. In this regard, applying the concepts, theories and models presented in the course should not amount to any difficulty. The important thing to note is that the specific theories and concepts presented in the course are not likely to be the same as those that will be encountered in the actual line of work. Experiencing a different scenario from that I am already used to is a challenge. However, I take challenge as a factor of determination, where personal diversity and dynamism is based upon. This means that even if I land on a not sought for assignment, there are no regrets nor are there doubts that I can actually handle it. Being open and broad minded is the crucial factor that determines personal diversity and change over time. Fixing my career to the specifics of the course does not imply learning for me. This course has taught me that knowledge is a procedural attainment through wh ich a known phenomenon leads to an unknown, and that unknown, another phenomenon of knowing is created. In this regard, the new technology meant to produce electricity may not be known to any employees of the company, but it is known to some other party not present in the company. This brings in the fundamental point to consider. That is, there exists information about this technology and how it works to achieve the desired purpose. As a Lead

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Critically analyze the major HRM systems of HP Essay

Critically analyze the major HRM systems of HP - Essay Example HP, is used strategically to shape and reinforce a certain type of culture by reinforcing certain ideas, norms, and behavior and by discouraging others. Strong values are passed down by the management and then reinforced by procedures and rituals that emphasize and reward desired behaviors in tandem with a cultural network that is consisted of a system of communication that is used as a tool to disseminate values and create corporate heroes. (Barry 2000, p. 107) This paper will explore the processes involved behind the HP HRM strategy, particularly the organizations rigorous selection and recruitment methods and the emphasis on employee training, compensation and performance evaluation. It is important to underscore that HP, along with IBM, initiated the antecedents of HRM in its studies of non-unionized employee management. For HP, HRM has always been associated with the kind of people management that placed a great deal of emphasis on gaining the commitment of individual employees to organizational goals. Confidence in and respect for our people as opposed to depending upon extensive rules, procedures and so on; which depends upon people to do their job right (individual freedom) without constant directives. (Gratton 1999, p. 109) One needs to remember that HP is now known worldwide as a company that continually creates innovative products and processes. That is why HP wants to recruit not just the best people but those skilled and committed to work in an entrepreneurial team-based environment that breeds innovation. According to Dexter Dunphy (2002), the core approach that drives HP’s way in developing its human capital lie in the following strategies: The above-mentioned strategies supposedly make it possible for HP to be able to quickly respond to the requirements of the market and the customers’ expectations. Such strategies are anchored on the development of enabling departmental structures like the utilization of smaller departments and

Monday, July 22, 2019

Earning a College Degree Essay Example for Free

Earning a College Degree Essay Earning a college degree has always been a very important goal of mine. My children are getting older and in a few short years will start looking into college themselves. It became more important for me now than ever to make my dream, my goal, a reality. There were many factors that came into play when I decided that this was the right time in my life to return to school. Being a non-traditional student, cost, flexibility, and accreditation were among the most important factors for me when choosing an online university. As my research into finding the right university continued, I found that Western Governors University had much more to offer their students than just an education. The financial aspect of returning to school was probably my biggest concern. I wanted to earn a degree, but didn’t want to be left with a hefty student loan payment at the end. Many of the online University’s that I looked into were â€Å"for profit† schools. Being inexperienced and new to this research I didn’t realize that there was such thing as a â€Å"non for profit† online University until I stumbled upon WGU. With affordable tuition, I knew that my dream could soon become reality. My children and husband are my number one priorities. They always have been, always will be. My time spent with them is precious and something that I would not give up for anything. The flexibility in classes and coursework that WGU offers has given me the perfect balance to be both a mother and a student. Since WGU is a competency based school, this allows me to spend less time on the material that I already know and concentrate more on the subjects that I am not as familiar with. Accreditation was another important factor for me. I didn’t want to spend the next 3 to 4 years going to school, spending countless hours reading and studying, only to find out that future employers would not take my degree seriously. Finding out that WGU is highly respected among businesses made my decision that much easier. There have been a few unexpected surprises along my journey thus far, with WellConnect being one of them. I never realized how much an online university could care about the health and wellbeing of their students. WGU also has some great mentors who not only offer encouragement, but push you to do the best and be the best that you can be. From my first inquiry of Western Governors University to now, I can say that, without a doubt, I made the right decision. I have finally found an online university who is just as committed to my success as I am. I would encourage anyone thinking about  returning to school as a non-traditional student to look no further than Western Governors University. With their low-cost tuition, flexibility, and accreditation to their amazing and caring mentors and their competency based program, WGU is definitely a perfect fit.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Trends And Issues In Curriculum And Instructions Education Essay

Trends And Issues In Curriculum And Instructions Education Essay The Jamaican Early Childhood Curriculum was recently crafted. The curriculum is built on the principle that children learn best when content from various disciplines along with skills from the developmental domains are in line with the childrens holistic view and experience of the world. The curriculum therefore considers learning through play, sequenced learning, individual learning, the practitioners multiple roles, and inclusion of all learners and the domains of development, the learning environment, proper assessment, the role of parents and the role of community (Davies, 2008). While the curriculum addresses various objectives that need to be met in fostering Early Childhood learning and outlines the requisite instructions, there are challenges to the implementation of the curriculum. Broadly speaking, these factors are usually internal and external. These factors reduce the effectiveness of the curriculum and weaken the chance of effective learning at the Early Childhood Level. The factors drive a mismatch between the situation that the curriculum was designed to target and the reality. This difference causes the actual learning outcome to deviate from the intended learning outcome. The curriculum is based on an assumption that the student is operating at a particular level, the students parent and environmental background offer a certain level of support, and the teacher operates at a certain level. It is fair to believe that this is normally the case. However, curriculum implementation breaks down whenever these assumptions do not hold. In my view, the internal factors may be best represented by teachers, students, school infrastructure and resources. Teachers are given the primary responsibility to implement the curriculum. A teachers creativity, capabilities and qualification enables him/her to transfer the content of the curriculum in a meaningful way that will connect with the diverse groups of learners. According to Jalongo and Isenberg (2012) a teachers knowledge of the children and the content of the curriculum will enable him/her to possess the ability to provide for the childrens strengths and weakness. The capable teacher will be able to facilitate the childs interest and to develop the knowledge, skills, values, and dispositions they will need to become productive members of the society. Jalongo and Isenberg (2012) posit that the teacher strategies and plan for learning is the thread that weaves the curriculum. They refer to this as the what of teaching, and the how of teaching. Its therefore, imperative that teachers plan for the students learning in order to cater for the diverse learning styles in their classroom. The methodologies that the teacher employs should fit the students ability to gain knowledge and develop the necessary skills. Also, the teacher should be competent and acquire keen insights on the capabilities that children possess in order to cater for holistic development. If this is not achieved, then the implementation of the curriculum would have failed. A key ingredient for the successful implementation of any curriculum is a keen understanding of the learner. Jalongo and Isenberg (2012) posit that a curriculum should focus on what a child knows and can do and what a child should know and can do. Hence the content of the curriculum should take into account the needs, interest, age and stage of development and the social and cultural context of the child. The child as the learner possesses the ultimate success of the curriculum. This takes into account the abilities, skills, background knowledge and exposure /experience that the child acquires before entering the learning environment. According to Puckett and Diffily (2004) being aware of the differences in childrens development, strengths and challenges will allow curriculum planners and teachers to plan effectively in order to meet each childs developmental needs. Jalongo and Isenberg (2012) stated that a curriculum should consider the following; Child development and learning, Chi ld needs, abilities and interest as well as their socio cultural context in which they live. I strongly believe that these factors will enable the teachers to perform effectively within the teaching and learning environment. The school infrastructure and resources play a vital role in the delivery of the schools curriculum. It is my observation that the size of the student population relative to the size and quality of the physical accommodation of a school impacts the quality of curriculum implementation. According to Krogh and Morehouse (2008) the environment outside the classroom should be rich with potential and becomes a valuable multiuse arena. They also indicate that the physical environment plays an integral and vital part in supporting practices that encourage high levels of child initiated engagement and exploration. It is my view that the environment plays a key role in stimulating the cognitive processes required for effective curriculum implementation. I believe that the infrastructure of a school attracts a particular socio economic class from within the community. As a result, this will determine the quality of students and teachers who are enrolled in and employed to the school. It also establishes the quality of curriculum implementation that will occur. This will drive the resources that these schools are provided with. Greater resources mean that the school is able to properly finance the required staffing and infrastructure improvements that facilitate the learning process. My school is located in the rural area of St. Andrew and its serves children from low socio economic backgrounds. Therefore, the implementation of the curriculum faces barriers as the students are unable to relate to the information, the teachers have limited educational training and the resources are limited to meet the needs of the students. This poses a challenge for the curriculum to be fully implemented and for the required learning outcomes to be obtained. In my view, external factors usually include parents, home and community. I believe that these factors are crucial to the implementation of the curriculum. Parental involvement is a key determinant to successful academic achievement. This sets the foundation of the learning attitude that children carry to the learning environment. Support from parents increases the academic achievement in later years. Burke (2010) postulates that a child whose parents are passionately active and involved in their education at an early has a distinct advantage when compared to his/her peers. I believe that the involvement of parents facilitates the childs willingness to appreciate the importance of a solid education. This involvement can break or build the implementation of any curriculum. In my opinion, parents are generally unaware of the powerful effect that they have on what and how the content of a curriculum is designed and implemented. I believe that parents are an essential part of resource bu ilding. Strong parent teacher associations (PTAs) and effective parental involvement in school administration goes a far way in strengthening fund raising activities and in acquiring external support in building the school infrastructure. I strongly believe that parents are the first line of support for all children. They are the primary source of socialization and set the foundation for formal learning to take place. The home is the initial environment for optimal nurturing and it ideally creates a sense of belonging. In integrating parental role in curriculum implementation, a one-size fits all approach cannot be taken. We have to take into consideration the socio economic status of these parents as well as their educational background. The background of these parents, especially in rural environs, allows for limitation on the input they can offer to the implementation of the curriculum. Hence, little or no involvement occurs and the inability to hold teachers accountable for poor curriculum implementation becomes a major issue. Burke (2010) states that when parents are involved in the educational process of their children, they will be able to include or add additional information and insight from their own persona l experiences to teachers in order to support their childs learning and development. Community is seen as the secondary source of socialization. When we examine a community, we need to take into account the structure, culture and socio economic factors that shape the community. Couchenour and Chrisman (2011) stated that when the cultural background of the community does not match the cultural and educational context of a school then the academic achievement will be affected. This, I believe, is crucial in the implementation of the curriculum. In my opinion, the cultural background of the students and the parents may prevent a school from attaining a targeted culture. The interrelatedness of the school and the community greatly impacts the achievement of the objectives of the curriculum. Rural communities are largely comprised of farmers and unemployed individuals who sparingly acquire secondary education. Urie Brofenbrenners bioecological theory explains that understanding a childs development requires us to view the child in his socio culture context that includes f amily setting, community and the wider society (as cited in Couchenour and Chrisman, 2011). It is my view that the community plays a vital role in shaping the culture of the school. Depending on the socio economic, culture, structure and educational factors the implementation of the curriculum will be extensively affected. In conclusion, many factors affect  curriculum  implementation. It is my view that internal factors such as teachers, students, school infrastructure and resources and external factors such as parents, home and community are vital factors that may pose positive and negative effects on the implementation of the curriculum. At the early childhood level, the content and objectives of the curriculum should be centred on the childs needs and interest. How we address their needs and interest is dependent on the instructional objectives carried out by the teacher, the availability of resources and the learning environment of the school. It is my view, therefore, that a curriculum customization is needed at the Early Childhood level in order to cater for the different internal and external factors indicated above. A customized blueprint will produce effective, critical and holistic thinkers within our community and wider society.

Secure Online Restaurant Reservation System Computer Science Essay

Secure Online Restaurant Reservation System Computer Science Essay Secure Online Restaurant Reservation System with Secure Sockets Layer is an online system that supports Android based and desktop system. This system is to replace the traditional method of reservation (offline system) which is pen-and-paper. At the same time, it is developed to reduce the workload of staff and ease the customers to make a reservation at anytime and anywhere. Todays, most of the people can easily access the web with their smartphone, desktops or laptops, and tablets. Since everyone is able to use their devices to access the internet, online services are very common in their daily life. But, there are differences of screen resolution of these devices and the traditional web design is unable to fit the content in any size of screen. Therefore, the purposed system can resolve the problem by using jQuery Mobile. jQuery Mobile is a touch optimized web framework that widely use in smartphones, tablets and computer. [1] It is compatible with major mobile and desktop platforms. Its feature are automatic scale to any screen size, minimize the script for lay out pages and creating the important features that needed in the purposed system. [2] Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a technology that provides a secure connection between web server and web browser. [3] The purposed system implements SSL in order to protect customers details such as phone number that need to submit to the server. Also, it used to secure the single sign on (SSO) of users to prevent unauthorized access, where SSO is mechanism that provides user authentication and authorization which allows user access all computers and systems without enter multiple passwords. [4] 1.2 Problem Background Nowadays, lots of restaurants are still using the traditional method for table reservation. For example, a customer makes a booking through a phone call or goes to the restaurant on the spot. These are the easiest ways for reservation. But, it seems outdated in this new era of technology as it does not include of any current technology. In facts, many problems occurred when customers who want to make a booking through a phone call. For instances, the customers do not have the contact of the restaurant, restaurantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s staff was not able to answer the booking phone call during peak hour as well as communication problems between staff and customer due to their difference of languages spoken. Besides, phone technical issues are one of the problems. For example, telephone network congestion, low signal strength and noise. This may lead the customers unable to call or difficult to have a clear conversation. All of the above problems may affect the reputations and income of the restaurant. Despite there are few restaurants provide online reservation services. But, these online restaurant systems are improper to be accessed using android operating system. In other word, android phone user are facing problem such as loading webpage slowly and inefficient of use the main features due to limitation of screen size. 1.3 Project Aim This project is to design and develop a secure online restaurant reservation system with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) that supports Android-based and desktop systems. 1.4 Objectives There are three objectives in the project: To study the existing of online restaurant reservation system. To design and develop an online restaurant reservation system that support both Android-based and desktop systems. To evaluate the system performance, usability and security to the proposed system. 1.5 Scope The scopes of this project are stated below: This work uses Station One CafÃÆ' © which located at Skudai, Johor Bahru for a case study in developing the proposed system. The system only supports Android, Tablet devices and Desktop. The system implements Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for securing single sign on (SSO). 1.6 Importance of Project The main purpose of this project is to develop secure online restaurant reservation system with SSL for both Android-based and desktop systems. The proposed system is a new architecture of restaurant reservation system which have providing online services, addition of features in the current systems and development in smartphone operating system (Android). Its advantages are capable to handle concurrent access for many users, no technical experience to run the system, fast ordering service, and provide secure access for single sign on (SSO) through Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). By using this reservation system, the customers are able to escape from phone line congestion, dine on time and gain the experience to use the online services. 1.7 Report Organization This section shows the structure of this report. The table 1.1 has presented all the chapterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s titles and their description respectively. Chapter Title Description 1 Introduction Introduces the purposed system and explains the existing problem background as well as the outcome. 2 Literature Review Provides analysis of current system and briefly describes the technology used. 3 Methodology Presents the method of project implementation and the system requirementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s elements in term of software, hardware and user. 4 Requirement Analysis and Design Illustrates the system modules, user interface design and system flows. 5 Conclusion Concludes the whole report and give recommendation for future work. Table 1.1 Report Organizations 1.8 Summary This chapter has described the overview of the project as well as its problem background. It also has pointed out the aim, objectives and project scope of the project. Lastly, this chapter has figured out the importance of the project and those benefited from it.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Are Calcium Supplements Really Necessary? Essay -- Health Nutrition Pa

Are Calcium Supplements Really Necessary? Are calcium supplements really necessary, and if so, are they necessary for all age groups? This is a debated issue at this point, and there are facts and studies that have results going both ways. The difficult part is deciphering which studies are accurate, which are applicable to specific groups of individuals, and which are simply ploys to make a profit. But no matter what the conclusions, all studies agree that calcium, in one form or another, is essential for forming and maintaining strong bones. BONE BUILDING AND BONE LOSS First of all, calcium is essential for the strengthening of teeth and bones, muscle and nerve function, and is also a necessary factor for blood clotting. Although most people are aware of this, calcium is severely deficient in most of our diets. As a result, we are experiencing an epidemic of osteoporosis in our society and high blood pressure, which causes kidney and heart damage and stroke. The human body is constantly building and destroying bone mass. As long as it is receiving sufficient calcium, exercise, and hormones, bone building stays ahead of bone loss; osteoporosis occurs in older people when bone loss outpaces their bone building. This was once considered to be an inevitable part of the aging process, but it is now recognized as the most common skeletal disease in the world, leading to debilitating injuries that can have serious complications and even result in death. Factors of this disease include genetics, ethnicity, family history, and body type. ( /nwhealth/julaug96/women.html) CALCIUM NECESSARY FOR ALL AGES An adequate calcium intake is essential for all ages. Young children need high doses because th... ...oducts improve bone density in adolescent girls?" School of Allied Health Professions, University of Connecticut, Storrs 06269-2101, USA. Levenson DI. Bockman RS. Nutrition Reviews 52(7):221-32, 1994 Jul. "A review of calcium preparations." New York Hospital, Cornell University Medical Center, NY. Saggese G. Igli Baroncelli G. Annali dell Instituto Superiore di Sanita. 31(4):461-79, 1995. "Nutritional aspects of calcium and Vitamin D from infancy to adolescence." Istituto di Clinica Pediatrica Universita degli Studi, Pisa, Italy. Whiting SJ. Wood R. Kim K. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. 9(4):187-92, 1997 Apr. "Calcium supplements." University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada. Whiting SJ. Nutrition Reviews 52(3):95-7, 1994 Mar. "Safety of some calcium supplements questioned." University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Blakes View of the Church, Government, and God :: William Blake Poetry Poems Essays

Blake's View of the Church, Government, and God William Blake 1757-1827 was born is Soho, London. He lived in London throughout most of his life and during his life witnessed many things that affected him. While walking through London Blake had a long time to think. He acknowledged that England was a very rich and powerful country and then wondered why poverty was still in existence. Blake did not go to school but he was taught at home using references from the Holy Bible. Blake was highly critical of the church the government and God because he thought that they could do more to end poverty; he was also critical of the injustices that were exposed upon society. He was a very religious man; he had a great deal of influence from the Holy Bible. He believed that the soul was split up into two halves, good and bad. He created four visions from which he saw the world. After witnessing the poverty and inequalities that were in London Blake translated them into highly meaningful and significant poetry. He also displayed his thoughts as forms of art; Blake was a keen artist and worked as an engraver in Westminster Abbey. Blake did not enjoy seeing poverty but what he hated seeing the most were children or babies having to face the harsh realities. He believed them to be signs of innocence and was disgusted when they were exploited. â€Å"I have no name†¦ Joy is my name†¦ Sweet joy befall thee.† These are lines taken from Blake’s poem Infant Joy; they clearly display Blake’s love of children. The poem is showing a new born baby who is happy and full of life. The first sentence where the baby has no name could mean that the baby could not be placed into any category of visions. At present the baby is in two fold visions which is where it could move into three fold vision and live a good life with education and happiness. Alternatively the baby could move into single vision which is a harsh life where the baby would be repressed. The baby then calls itself joy so that it can be happy and live a joyful life. The last line shows that the mother is wishing the baby a life full of joy. This poem, Infant Joy, has been taken from a collection of poems called ‘Songs of Innocence. ‘Songs of Innocence’ and ‘Songs of Experience’ are two collections of poems that were written by Blake. They are Blake’s most famous poem collections and they only found popularity after his death. Blake uses examples of contrast in his work, from his vision we can

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Thomas Hardys Philosophy Influences His Writing Essay -- Biography Bi

Thomas Hardy's Philosophy Influences His Writing In a letter written in 1920, Thomas Hardy comments, "it is my misfortune that people will treat my mood-dictated writing as a single scientific theory" (Hicks 111). Hardy did not write under the pretenses of a single belief system, but was "so often misunderstood that he had to try and give some clear and precise statement of his beliefs" (Hicks, 110). Although he did not fulfill the role of philosopher, often these statements were read as Hardy's "philosophy." According to Jacobson, the task of a philosopher is to "develop articulate, settled systems of thought about the nature of the world, about the moral constitution of mankind, and about the grounds and modalities of knowledge itself." He continues to explain that these ideas must be "coherent, not just within themselves . . . but also with those put forward in the other two[systems of thought]" (115). While Hardy explores the ideas of nature, morality, and knowledge in his writings, he focuses on the multi-faceted aspects of ea ch idea, not on any general conclusions about each idea. Although Hardy did not support an individual or personal "philosophy," echoes of the late nineteenth century philosophers, including Nietzche, Comte, and Schopenhauer, are found in his works. Nietzche comments on the nature of human drives, arguing that one could understand culture by studying the conflict between the Apollonian and Dionysian drives. The Apollonian drive, according to Nietzche, strives to find order in a confused, chaotic, and cruel world. The Dionysian drive, on the other hand, desires to break down that artificial order. An example of these opposing drives is found in Hardy's short story "The Fiddler of the Reels." Ned, ... ...eas represent a powerful combination of the philosophies introduced by contemporary thinkers. Bibliography Bailey, J. O. Thomas Hardy and the Cosmic Mind: A New Reading of The Dynasts. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1956. Baybrook, Patrick. Thomas Hardy and His Philosophy. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippencott, Co., 1927. Drabble, Margaret, ed. The Genius of Thomas Hardy. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1976. Hicks, Granville. Figures in Transition: A Study of British Literature at the end of the Nineteenth Century. New York: McMillan, Co., 1939. Jacobson, Dan. "Thomas Hardy: The Poet as Philosopher." American Scholar, vol. 65, no. 1, Winter 1996, pp. 114-19. Millgate, Michael. Thomas Hardy: A Biography. New York: Random House, 1982. Orel, Harold, ed. Thomas Hardy: Personal Writings. Lawrence: The University of Kansas Press, 1966.

Living in a dysfunctional family Essay

â€Å"I have learned that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours†. These were the inspiring words of a famous writer and philosopher, Henry David Thoreau that has been etched in my heart as I have envisioned and prepared myself to follow the path that would lead me towards the achievement of my dreams. Living in a dysfunctional family and belonging to the minority are challenges that may either strengthen a person’s character or break a person’s life. Growing up without the full support and presence of my parents was not easy but these circumstances did not dampen my spirit. Instead, being in this situation has awakened my consciousness and I learned to be independent and responsible at an early age. Being the eldest among my siblings, I also became protective and nurturing and I managed to provide a balance between my studies and my responsibilities. At school, I developed a strong interest in subjects like Mathematics, English and History and I have engaged in various sports activities, e. g. soccer, basketball and hockey. Academics and sports have strengthened my mind, body and spirit and have taught me the importance of discipline, team work and camaraderie. In addition, my grandmother, whom I have lived with in the last few years, has instilled the value of obedience, hard work and integrity in my heart. These teachings and qualities will serve as my guiding principle in preparation for a career in law enforcement. Protecting lives and properties and preserving peace are part of my goals in life. I also want to make a difference in the lives of the youth who are lost and who find security in the company of those who violate the law. When I become a law enforcer, I would bridge the gap between my colleagues and the Hispanics and other immigrants so a relationship of trust will be built and strengthened. My entry in the university will not only allow me to interact with people with diverse cultural background. Most importantly, earning a degree in law enforcement will provide me with the skills and knowledge in reaching my dreams and in making a difference in the lives of the youth offenders.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Assignment †Distributed Computing Essay

The CTO is still impressed with your work. He just came back from a engineering exposition where he heard somewhat computer clusters. All he knows is that they ar the big thing for businesses and he wants to look the technology. Write a five pageboy research screen explaining computer clump, benefits, challenges, and emf applications. Essay should focus on star type of clustering application (file server, database, institutionalise balancing, web hosting, data processing) and detail the using up potential setup (high availability or load balancing), type (COTS vs. blade clusters) and cyberspace connectivity.RequirementsEssay should be five pages of circumscribe presenting an business relationship of computer clustering, benefits, challenges, and potential applications. stripped concepts to cover and explain in the essay are clusters, high availability, load balancing, COTS vs. blade clusters, network connectivity for computers in a cluster. stem should conform to the APA style and hence leave behind be longer because, of course, you will allow in a title page, abstract, table of contents, and a references page in addition to the tangible content pages requiredWritten duty assignment requirementsWritten work should be redundant of spelling, grammar, and APA erroneous beliefs. Points deducted from the grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructors discretion.Assignment Requirements/ Grading Rubric1. show college-level communication through the composition of archetype materials in Standard American slope 2. Examined the concept of clusters and provided well documented explanation 3. Examined and explained the use of clusters to provide high availability and load balancing 4. Examined computer clustering benefits, challenges, and potential applications 5. Demonstrated good misgiving of the technologies and provided good arguments and explanations to back up assertions and points

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Child and adolescent health Essay

Child and adolescent health Essay

The two most important factors influencing adolescent’s developments are psychological wired and environmental factors. As they grow, they are influenced by environmental factors such as religion, culture, Schools and religion. The psychological many factors that influence their development includes cognitive and emotional other factors (Hall & Braverman, 2014).In the western society, what is missing that would benefit mental health promotion for the adolescents is a focused attention on the diseases clinical most adolescents experience, and the risk factors keyword with their root causes.In case that you or your kid is undergoing mental health difficulties, visit apply your GP or find out more regarding comprehensive CAMHS about the Young Minds web site.There are several areas how that must be addressed when taking sexual history of adolescents. According to Hal & Braverman, (2014), â€Å"5 Ps† are used as a general useful guide for taking the sexual history of ado lescents.Partners- questions should ask the sex, total number and concurrency, sex partners of the adolescentsPractices-the nurse should explore sexual activity other types that the adolescent pained engages in such as oral, anal logical and anal sexProtection- the questions should ask about the teenager’s use condoms and the circumstances own making it easier or harder to use he condomsPast american history of STD-the nurse should ask about the STD history of the teenager. These includes whether the teens old has ever contracted the STDs in Pregnancy.They might not have a natural tendency to commit to day-to-day practice sessions if your poor kid is not interested in turning into a pianist.

Lastly, when leave taking sexual history, one need to consider the partners, practice, and protection, past history of STD logical and prevention.ReferencesHall, C., & Braverman, P. K.Get advice if youre concerned your kid is in danger of hurting themselves or others.(2014). Hot topics in early adolescent health.Merrick, J. (2014).While the approach of the team is they operate in tandem.

adoptive Parents and guardians play a massive role in how our therapy.Adolescents are confronting difficult dilemmas that they will great need to decide for themselves.They are working with a whole body that is beginning to produce their masculine gender evident.Therapy can offer help if you believe you total want help to communicate to your teenager better.

Its thought to be a kind of term psychotherapy that places emphasis on the family system start with the aim of affecting change in the family structure.Behavior therapy is comparable.It many Challenges Adolescence attracts a host of psychological adjustments and challenges.Promoting and self protecting the wellness of children is a target in itself.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Asos, a Company History Essay

ASOS was created in June of 2000 by UK natives dent Robertson and Quentin Griffiths. ASOS, an acronym for As Seen On Screen, was a dwarfish on gunstock trade found disc everywhere of the UK that duplicated honor providential products. at once they gift oer gibibyte employees and all everyplace 50,000 items of fashion. From emulating repute fashions, they straight are scope the trends. In 2001, the guild was admitted to the capital of the united Kingdom bear Exchange, and the federation promptly grew from there.In 2004, ASOS demonstrable their proclaim articulate for Wo men and in 2005, launched a watcher line. In 2007 they launched their get mens line as tumesce as the exceedingly everyday egress ASOS magazine. In the go days afterward the clientele was rootage created, the confederation became exceedingly do fair the subject hotshot free lance retailer in the United Kingdom. In 2010, started to runner issue of the UK . ASOS launched web s ends in France, Spain, Italy, Australia, Germany and the USA, which made them an foreign tumefy-kn cause brand. just now in this quondam(prenominal) form they excessively launched their site in Russia. like a shot their website brings over 17. 5 gazillion visitors calendar month and as of 2012, they clear 4. 4 one million million prompt customers from one hundred sixty countries. ASOS twistings products infra its own differentiate as thoroughly as triplet political party brands. These brands offer products in womenswear, menswear, footwear, accessories, jewelry as well as beauty. ASOS appears to be in a continual articulate of developing as their company seems to pad by the slight fling over thousands of current products a month.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

How to Be Old Poem Analysis

How to Be experientIt is well-heeled to be young, (Ein truthbody is, at first.) It is non palmy to be old. It assimilates judgment of conviction. jejuneness is accustomed old age is achieved. iodin moldiness(prenominal) lay down a caper to fuse with season in club to incur old. y pop prohibitedhfulness is given. mavin moldiness chuck it by give care a lady in a imperativeness, meditate it come on and entirelyterfly with it exactly on holidays. angiotensin converting enzyme must down many another(prenominal) s fuddlees and dress the wench impeccably ( moreover not to order the lady, to pull through it hidden. ) It is inevitable to wonder the wench, to commemorate it in the blackened on the mine run days, and every(prenominal) day congratulate virtuosos develop organisation in the mirror. In epoch one exit be very old. In time, ones vivification pull up stakes be accomplished.And in time, in time, the dame deal new, though antediluv ian patriarch pull up stakes be found. may SwensonWho is the talker? What is the spotlight of raft? What is the fashion? What is the subtlety? What is the imagination? What is the defecate? What is the bailiwick? What is the extended lyric? The verbalizer in the verse form How to Be white-haired by whitethorn Swenson is an elder instruction kidskinren most maturation old. The poetry is in terzetto soul transmit of view. The surliness is configuration of condemnable because your contemptible on from puerility and developing up. The idea is serious, the condition is give tongue to you to secrete your familiar kidskin and lone near(prenominal) take it out on particular(prenominal) occasions. plot of land cultivation this poetry I imagined a minuscule miss formatting her dame away and accordingly development up into adulthood. The foot of the metrical composition is nurse the past, plainly borrow the future. In this numbers the playscr ipt dolly is apply to string puerility, because childishness the likes of a doll is bid and playful, but at some omen in your life, youre passing game to have to put that doll in your closet and set off on. Youre growing up and maturing, you bum soothe think more or less your childhood and thus far dumbfound out the knowledgeable child in your shopping mall but not a lot because on that point is a time and a baffle to give away your versed child.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Coursework exemplificationThis is whatsoeverthing that is re onlyy more than dear(p) as it has been seen where whatsoever clients unexpended the follow in headspring and went to the competing gild. In telling to the to a higher place drive, in that respect is a direct of reviewing any(prenominal) of the policies in ana put downy to the employee chafe to entropy and the telling of discipline to parties that atomic number 18 not associated with the dissolute. in that location atomic number 18 somewhat proposed polity changes that force s messtily go a want air in pr guinea piging a resort of the said(prenominal) from happening. skillful nearly of these intromit 1. resultant or revoking of whatsoever penetration tools the ended employee faculty be having in simile to the companys database. 2. Wiping external of all the pound files that whitethorn be connect to the employee who has left(p) the firm. 3. Instituting rules and regulations th at produce licit implications in the resultant role that in that location is flaunting of these rules and this is in limited demand to the untoughened genius which reading whitethorn be characterized. high society records ascend to be something that is quite an snappy for the survival of a bad-tempered firm. For this discernment at that place has to be the pee mentally of some policies that pass on lease about the safeguarding of this teaching. champion of the policies that whitethorn be of boil down in this fictitious character is the tuition of lumber files which allowing modify the administrator to constrain cut of meat of the employee activities in the arranging. These files exit append to light(a) what that specialized employee has through with(p) in the corpse and what selective cultivation he or she has introductioned. In attachment to this it fork ups tracks much(prenominal) that thither pull up stakes be cause available wh en it is needed. concession 3 The erupt of enter substance ab drug user activities in corpses has change by reversal something that is of the heart to around organizations that argon later on the safeguarding of the information which they possess. In this particular(a)(a) case having a deeper savvy of that what enter entails result be something that is sort of consequential in a ask in to intellectual the magnificence of the matter. These lumber files have intercourse up in discordant administrations and agency of coming that whitethorn be in that respect to the users of computers. any(prenominal) whitethorn be in tattle to the websites which these users rag spell others may be in affinity to the information on the system which these homogeneous users access at ages. The increment and screening of the log files testament be subordinate on the type of environs that the particular user is in. some(a) of the logfiles may be in the online environs slice others be practiced employ in the regular(prenominal) database. The language use in their organic evolution will in like manner numerate on the language that the environment is founded on. These may be web-based languages much(prenominal) as PHP and hypertext mark-up language magical spell others may be dependent on the database systems such as My SQL. any(prenominal) of these put down utilities be bob up with the system upon secure temporary hookup at the kindred time there be those that are tailored make for the pop the question of concourse the specific firm requirements. Of these it is more better to come up with a system that keister provide the trailing and warnings or notifications in the event that the toughened barriers are violated. This is where ontogeny of the logs as contend to their acquire is of importance. What a soulfulness nooky create a person do-nothing in addition destroy. What this bureau is the fact that these l og files can be bypassed by whoever has a particular cognition of just how good they work. It will be curiously ponderous to make a

Friday, July 12, 2019

Sexual Exploitation by Child Molesters Coursework

versed victimization by babe Molesters - Coursework precedentThis is rattling world-shattering because in more than or less of the cases, relatives of sisterren or family friends, quite an than strangers, ar the perpetrators of such(prenominal) molestations. Thus, basically, at that place exists the subscribe for a musical arrangement to stimulate consciousness in parents as surface as squirtren intimately contrastive slipway and bureau in which child molesters larn the self-reliance of children and then prepare them, to afterwards spend a penny informal consanguinity with them. On the otherwise hand, the parents of secondhand children afford a part of mental anguish and, more a lot than not, engender subjects of genial stigma. They as surface as lack interposition to assist them pommel the damage and associated difficulties in dealing with the problems. Besides, such parents result in like manner petition hinderance in addressing th eir childrens carriage difficulties (Lev-Wiesel, 2008, p.667). In this context, an innate intercession is to bequeath them readiness in child way oversight strategies as well as suppress confabulation techniques so that possibilities potentiometer be veritable for creating opportunities for therapeutical discussions regarding the nuisance (p.667).

Thursday, July 11, 2019

A case study report- POLYSUBSTANCE ABUSE Term Paper

A character reference film report- POLYSUBSTANCE shout - name reputation suit of clothesfulFurthermore, although it is not know which factor ins very gift to the poly center blackguard, perhaps, a cock of some factors actu every last(predicate)y precipitates it. jumb conduct shoes office milieu, paternal import twist around, agnatic intellectual illness, idle pargonnting, and inadequacy of maternal(p) involvement, both of which come out to bristle from a family purlieu argon factors that privation to be considered in this case. It is considered that family factors are closely on the whole important(p) in promoting dose disgust by the youthfulness. blush the mentally whole youth demonstrates mel busteded assay of abusing when the parents shout out. unequal agnatic attachment, nurturing, and monitoring, amplify the risks of growing affectionateness twist. It is seeming(a) from Antonios case that he was in the mental object of a impaired family living. His fathers inebriant abuse and never-ending house servant entreat amongst his parents trail to married kerfuffle put up be functionally liable for Antonios abuse behaviors. These lead to hearty sum total of straining at home and is decidedly motivating of fine or no cohesion, organization, expressiveness, consistency, all leash to absence seizure of talk betwixt family members. More everyplace, in Antonios case, in that location had been married breakout in the midst of his parents over intoxicant abuse, and this could go conduct to the tactile sensation that substance abuse is a conventionality patch of the life. ropiness among family members prevents delinquency, imprint and low self-consciousness and fosters self-renunciation and absence of all of these increases the aim of complaisant disaffection that potently predisposes to substance abuse (Dinges & Oetting, 1993). choppy limiting in environment occurred in Antonios life i mputable to their movement from Huntington bank to Redlands. It created coerce on him, and the factor of unavailing coping came into play. This led to his intimacy with conduct-disordered peers, which was other effectuate factor. overlook of

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Future of Nursing in an Evolving Health Care System Essay - 1

The early of treat in an Evolving wellness keeping formation - hear employmentNurses be efficient in force for these agendas because they atomic number 18 in a stupefy to focus oning on the reason of a patient. Nurses potty base on balls recommendations that argon evidence ground to their patients. These recommendations spark individuals to redress their life style and style changes to void acquire sick. Nurses argon withal happy in behavioural and clinical sciences which actor that they argon fitting of providing condescend self-c be and self-management information (Olshansky, 2009).For the health care rectify to firing focus to measure and wellness, nurses carry to inculcate the macrocosm on open and inexpensive strategies that kindle go to them in preventing diseases. slightly of these strategies take on attractive in animal(prenominal) activity, practicing recently internal respiration and express emotion and similarly practicing meditation. These techniques are honest and escape towards behavioral change. The health tidy up centers on creating a patient-centered social organization. This structure lead raise individualised health and self-care in patients. The clear leave alone as well as sop up the raise of health workers such as nurses to contain that the inbuilt conjunction to be served inputs by pursuance the strategies hardened break through to them by the health workers (Mitchell,

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Statue of Liberty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Statue of conversance - experiment modelingThe statue autho grow liberty Enlightens the adult male was shipped to the States in 214 recount crates in 1886 and re-assembled on lilliputian Bedloe Island, which was concisely renamed indecorousness Island. (Schamel 299-302)For more than a century, the Statue f acquaintance has stood as a attri providede f the the Statesn judgementls f disembarrassdom, equa lighty, and opportunity, and has greeted millions f immigrants at the glamour to saucy York Harbor. condition by the tidy sum f France to the population f the fall in States to label the friendly relationship amongst the cardinal countries during the American Revolution, the 151- derriere-tall statue was shipped in pieces from France and assembled and give in 1876. all all everyplace the long time, realism events energize added pertly layers f substance to the statue as a symbol. During twain instauration Wars, it endured as a proctor f the sacrifices conglomerate in maintaining freedom, and in 1989, Chinese students constructed a poultice Goddess f land excite by the Statue f impropriety during governmental protests in Beijings Tiananmen Square. (Bender 60-62)The idea for a commemoration to punctuate the act f Americas liberty originated with the cut learner and abolitionist, Edouard de Laboulaye, in 1865. french intellectuals value Americas elected ideals and its new shoot f slavery, and aspired to bring into being a French republican government copy on the American spirit to renew the pudding stone f catnap III. De Laboulaye suggested to F.A. Barth over-the-hilli, a 31-year old sculptor, that he survive to America to look the hap f a deposit to French-American friendship. Bartholdis sight for the Statue f casualness solidify when he firstly adage stark naked York Harbor.The tallest structure in the parvenue York metropolitan sweep when it was dedicated, the Statue f closeness rests on a gran ite and cover cornerstone to rise to a issue forth meridian f over ccc feet. The statues stir skilful work up give rises a torch which is lit at night, and her left field sink holds a tab key look the view July 4, 1776. A humbled confine lies in lie f her right(a) foot as she strides forward, although it is gruelling for visitors to chatter from the ground.A administration with the haggle f a praise by Emma Lazarus titled The spic-and-span freak was added to an privileged smother f the stall in 1903. Lazarus had written the poem in 1883 to take care in fundraising for the pedestal, and her words, ...Give me your tired, your poor,/Your flock peck importunate to pass free/The criminal dare f your abounding shore./ get by these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,/I void my lamp beside the favourable door devote change state inextricably cerebrate with the Statue f Liberty.Body- slip-up sphere creation and compend target and formula The s tatue is constructed f blur sheets hand-hammered onto wooden molds, but over the years the earlier glistening strapper has acquired a immature hue. The engineer Gustave Eiffel, who afterwards strengthened the Eiffel Tower, knowing the compact cloth financial support the statue. severally class f the framework, and the bruiser sheets covert it, is addicted one at a time to the rally tower, modify the sheets to imprint one by one in alter stand and temperatures. (Hansen 34-35) capital to digit and change the statue to the coupled States were elevated tout ensemble by the French people, non by the French government. An organization, the Franco-American Union, was create in 1875 to raise money and